
Are you a Mammy?

Hello Mammies.

Have you made your New Years Resolutions yet? I hope they’re going well so far!!!!! Is Improving your fitness and lifestyle one of those resolutions? If so I have you covered.

Have you seen my brand new 30 Day Fat Blaster programme? Designed to shift the lbs, work on our mental heath, become part of a fitness online community, feel amazing, sexy and confident again???

This program is a kick start, a kick start to get your head in the right place again and what better time to start than the beginning of 2018.

After Christmas I think we are all in the same boat, as in we ate, we drank and we probably filled our boots because we had in our head that 2018 is coming and we all say it don’t we??? 2018 is MY YEAR.  The year of CHANGE.

As a mother of 2 small children I understand the challenges we face on a daily basis, one of those challenges is “time” or should I say “lack of time”! We are so busy running round after the children that we don’t get much time to workout, go to the gym or take care of ourselves including our mental health.

I want to show you the importance of looking after yourself, your mental health and your lifestyle.  I want to show you that you do not need to spend hours in the gym to look good or feel good, I want to show you that you don’t need to spend hundreds of euro on a gym membership, or spend money on childcare fees to to keep fit and feel good.

After I left my abusive relationship I was at an all time low, I was a complete mess, I lost myself completely, so much so I had no idea who I was anymore, who Emma was. She was gone. When I fell pregnant on my first child I had to give up my career which was dancing, my passion, I was literally living my dream, travelling and performing all over Ireland. I was very lucky to do something that I adored and loved for years. Then I fell pregnant unexpectedly and only after a few months of being in a relationship. It was the hardest bit of new to digest at first.. The most difficult part of this was giving up my career, my dream and my passion, but I did it to become a mother…. Can you relate? We have to make sacrifices in life right?

Since becoming a mother and then my relationship going from bad to worse, I had absolutely no idea who I was, I didn’t even have dancing to keep me sane anymore and give me that freedom.

It’s so common in Motherhood where we have to stop doing the things we love to become a Mother and raise our babies…. Well I’m here to show you that you don’t.

Over the last couple of years I used fitness as an escape for me, a feeling that made me feel alive again, just like performing used to. When I was sad and down I would drag myself up, grab the yoga mat and do my home workouts.  I would do this when the kids were sleeping or playing. I realised that fitness was having such a positive impact on my life, my thoughts, my energy and also my body. I was loving it so much that I made a huge decision to go back to college at the age of 28 and educate myself on fitness, nutrition, strength and conditioning and so much more. So I did just that and I became qualified as a personal trainer and fitness instructor.

My reason for this was because I had a vision, a vision where I wanted to help other Mother’s just like me, I want to show you how to create a balance in your life. I want to show you how I do it and so can you too.

Working out at home if fun, I even get the kids involved too (as you probably see on my snapchat)

I’ve created the 30 Day Fat Blaster to kick start you into shape, mentally and physically. Don’t worry there is more options after the 30 days. You won’t get rid of me that easily.

Join the community on January 8th and lets get you feeling sexy and indipendant again.

To sign up today goto



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