I love shopping, what woman doesn’t? actually let me rephrase that I love shopping when I have the money to shop……. With christmas approaching I have started my Xmas shopping, but I decided to get all my Xmas pressies online this year, so iv started bit by bit, Iv been shopping around for the bargains. We all love a good bargain.
Shopping is great but I always find I’m running around last minute to get the last bits of Xmas pressies for people and it can be so manic, I hate Xams shopping in stores for friends and family. Christmas time people are crazy, pushing pulling……. its a nightmare to be honest. If your a parent it’s even worse because your dealing with screaming children, kids hate to shop, they get bored so easily and lets be honest unless its the disney store they’re not going to be bothered or interested. I know my two babies scream the minute the buggy goes into a shop, so I learned NOT to go shopping with them, but sometimes thats easier said than done.
So to make my life a lot more stress free Iv been shopping online so I wanted to share some of my Favourite sites with you, sites iv’e found to be helpful and just my Favs… Iv come across some great deals online. Happy shopping guys and enjoy 🙂 let me know what your favourite sites are 🙂