Reflecting on the last two days….. Iv found myself sitting on the couch just gazing, staring into space, no TV, no sound. Do you ever get that feeling when you are just so moved by something that you are mesmerised? well I have found myself just reflecting on the last two days.
Where do I even begin….
The Safe Ireland Summit was organised by the staff of Safe Ireland and Simone George. Safe Ireland is the National Social Change Agency working on Domestic Violence in Ireland. They are an absolute amazing Organisation, they have been a massive strength to me, eager to help me achieve my goals and of that I am forever grateful.
I was first invited to speak at the Summit back in the summer at a meeting with Sharon (the CEO of Safe Ireland) and how quickly it has come around. I was absolutely honoured to have been given this opportunity to speak and share my story.

40 Speakers from all over the world were speaking at this 2 day event. When I arrived on day 1 and heard the speakers the nerves kicked in, fear kicked in….. The fear of not being able to deliver my speech, making comparisons, thinking “these are absolutely unbelievable.
The summit brought all of
us together, we all joined together and had a discussion on Domestic Violence in free, safe, peaceful environment. Activists making a difference… The power in that room.. I could feel it…. Male and female speakers and they were all exceptional, you see your personal story is yours.. No one can take that from you, its your story.
I was absolutely delighted to have my film crew there too, they filmed my speech for my documentary that I am filming, so I am thrilled. Can you believe that??? I have a film crew? that even feels weirs saying that…. How ice has

Minutes before my speech….. eeeeeks butterflies in my tummy, I was a little nervous but to be honest I felt home, I felt safe, the crowd were
so nice, we all bonded and spoke the day before so although I was a little nervous I felt safe….. walking up on that stage was so quiet you could hear a pin drop…… I took a massive deep breath and in my own time I began to speak and within seconds the nerves left me… All I wanted to do was touch peoples hearts and from the nods of the heads and the tears in the audience I think I did just that…. When I was finished my speech I received a standing ovation… I cannot even begin to tell you what that meant to me, When I looked around and say everyone standing I broke down into tears, I couldn’t hold it in anymore, people hugging me, kissing me……. I looked around and they were still standing, even when I took my seat they were still standing…. Ive never had that feeling in my life.. Never. The only word I can use to describe my feeling is PROUD, this was an extremely proud moment in my life, I am truly grateful and humbled for this
My mission was to have an impact on people, have a positive impact, show them that I cam through the other side, that I am resilient & strong.
We spoke about so many issues over the past 2 days, now the work begins, where we put out thoughts, plans into ACTION.
Im ready, Safe Ireland is ready and I know all of the speakers who spook are ready to make a difference.
Im excited for what we plan for the future & I believe 100% in Safe Irelands mission “to Make Ireland the safest country in the world”