
It’s only weeks away! Are you excited?

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As we are in April it’s is just weeks away from the Mind Over Matter Roadshow event!!!!!! Eeeeeks! I’m excited and a tad nervous, but so much more excited. Are you from Galway? Do you know people from Galway? Are yo looking for motivation? Some inspiration? Feel good? If so this event is for you. […]


Love yourself this valentines day!

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I always make it my business to treat myself on occasions like Valentines day…. Purely because I’m single and no one else will LOL joke joke (well not really) The 30 Day Fat Blaster has been going amazingly well and I want as many people to feel the benefits of this programme.  I want as […]


Are you coming to my Galway event?

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Whoooooop Finally tickets have just gone live for my Galway event. I’m so looking forward to this event, I absolutely Love Galway, such  great city, lots to do an see. Get your tickets now while they’re available. Limited tickets available for my Roadshow events as each event will be personal and intimate. Don’t leave it […]


Mind Over Matter Roadshow Event Limerick

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I’m so excited about “Mind Over Matter” coming to Limerick city.  I have thought about doing events for a long time now and I figured if I travel the world speaking at other events why not just do my own??? This way I can speak about anything I want and do it within  the time […]