competition time…….. Have you entered into our competition?????? NO ok well great news its not too late 🙂 🙂 🙂
At we just love to do competitions, and as we are celebrating The launch of our Pregnancy & Baby Month we are giving away so many goodies, infact this hamper that we have put together is worth over €200 in products, yep products not just the one but lots 🙂 🙂 How exciting!!!! We all love FREE stuff right??? We love it even more when we are actually going to use the products 🙂 Well if you are pregnant I assure you that you will use everything in this hamper as we have packed it with the essentials.
Being pregnant can be a stressful time, trying to get everything sorted and ready for when baby comes, by doing this hamper we want to try take some of the stress away from new mammies to be by giving away this bag of essentials.
Whats in the hamper?
Maternity pads, breast pads, our nursing pillow, mama mil tummy oil, pregnicare, our inhelath thermometer, Gro egg………….. so many goodies to get you excited 🙂 🙂
How to enter? It’s so simple, like our Facebook page and share my video pine dot the top of the page……. Easy right????
Best of luck guys and don’t forget tag a pregnant friend 🙂
Have a great day
Emma XxX