Im lying in bed reflecting on 2016, what a year it has been. A lot of positive has come out of 2016 but a lot of negative too. My life has changed drastically in many ways, ways that I do not wish to discuss as of yet, I have lost friends along this year, people who chose not to be a part of my life any more, But I have gained a lot of friendships this year too. People have come into my life and I know they will be part of it for a very long time.
My children are growing every single day, 2016 was full of temper tantrums, potty training, jumping out of cots, wetting beds, sleeping in mammy’s bed, sleepless nights, teething problems but above all the year is ending on a very positive note when it comes to my children, they have developed the most amazing little personalities I could ever imagine, I am so proud of my two babies.
I have gained a lot in life and I have also lost a lot and failed at times. One thing I can hold my head up high an say is that as a Parent I never failed, that is one thing I am 100% Confident in, I know what I do for them and so do they. The joy, laughter and pride I get from being a parent is 100% – I have doubted myself of course along the way, Iv questioned myself, iv even compared myself to other parents but now looking back on the last year and seeing how happy my kids are fills me with joy.
Im grateful for the family and friends I have around me, Im grateful for all that they do for myself and my children, I can honestly say without the support of certain people I would not be where I am today, myself and kids would definitely be homeless and probably not the people we are today – so for that I am forever grateful to my family and friends who have got me through this difficult year.
Im looking forward to closing this book on 2016 and welcoming 2017 with open arms, I don’t know what this year has in store for me but I am excited, excited of the unknown.
I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to each and every single person who follows my page, my blog, for all the kind messages and words that come my way, your support has kept me going, your support has given me reason to continue to be a Domestic Violence Advocate, your support has pushed me to achieve my own goals and help others. So for that THANK YOU
May 2017 bring you all luck, love, laughter, joy and positive vibes. Never let small minded people drag you down, always look at the positive in every situation even when you feel there is no positive – believe me there is.

Lots of love
Emma xXx