Last night was the film premier for the Film “Out Of Silence” A film I am absolutely honoured to have been part of.
I originally got the call around 3/4 months ago from a lovely lady who has helped me a lot over the last two years – Niamh O’Carroll from the National Women’s Council, she called me and told me about their vision for this film and asked me to be part of it. Without hesitation I agreed to take part. When she mentioned it was on Mental Health I instantly felt I had to do this.Personally I have suffered with my mental health, Particularly over the last 2 years, my depression has been up and down. Ive learned a lot of the last 2 years about myself but iv also been open about mental health and I’m very aware of the issues we have in Ireland around this issue, the lack of services, lack of information and lack of resources.
Filming this was pretty emotional, it dragged up a lot of unwanted memories, fears and visuals for me but I was eager to get through it excuse I saw their vision fro the film, I saw what they saw and after last nights screening of the movie I am so so proud of myself and everyone who took part in this powerful film.

Last night was a very moving night to say the least, it was emotional but in a good way. Last night was the first time I saw the film so I had no idea how it looked or how it was going to go. I got up and said a few words after the screening and one thing I felt in City Hall (the most beautiful Iconic venue) was that we all wanted CHANGE, we all are determined to work together to raise awareness in Ireland to make change around Mental health issues…..

We need government to LISTEN to our voices, hear what we are saying and take ACTION.
For so long we have just been a number, a statistic, who ,much is a life worth??? Can you out a price on someone’s life?????
Mental health is more common than people know. Depression is a very common condition which affects more than 450,000 people in Ireland (one in ten) at any one time.
If you are suffering with your mental health please see some services listed below, also take a look at this film and please please share this with everyone you know. People around you may be suffering in silence by showing them this video you could save them.
Mental Health Support services Ireland
One thought on “Film Premier of the “Out Of Silence” Film in association with The National Women’s Council of Ireland for the World Congress of Mental Health.”
well done emma, great film, thanks for sharing, this is my contribution to the mental health discourse….