
Mammies you will love this!

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We all know that as a Mother we miss out on quite a lot of events while the children are young, and yes we moan about it all the time and that’s ok because we do a damn good job at parenting so if we want to moan we can, right? The majority of my […]


How do we get that life balance?

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I hear it all the time “life is about balance” you must hear it too? I even say it myself but what actually is balanced? what is a balance when you are a mother? How do we get the correct balance? How do we do that when you are a single parent? Is it possible? […]


Love yourself this valentines day!

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I always make it my business to treat myself on occasions like Valentines day…. Purely because I’m single and no one else will LOL joke joke (well not really) The 30 Day Fat Blaster has been going amazingly well and I want as many people to feel the benefits of this programme.  I want as […]


Be part of a positive community.

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Today is day 1 of the 30 Day Fat Blaster and I have to say I am super proud of all the ladies and gentleman who have started their journey with me, For putting their trust and faith in me. I have a vision and I’ve had this vision for some time now and that […]