
Inhale the good, Exhale the bad.

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This thing called life…… So many ups and downs. It’s fascinating how the brain works, sometimes we can feel so happy, full of positivity and in a click of a finger we can feel so low, feel deflated, feeling depressed, feeling like nothing is going our way. I get this quite a lot, the best […]


The big bad word no one wants to speak about.

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    “DEPRESSION” It seems people are almost afraid of this word. Is it the word itself? or is it the meaning of the word? Is it the fact that we live in a judgmental society where all of these real-life issues like “Depression” is not spoken about as much as it should be? Often […]


How do we get that life balance?

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I hear it all the time “life is about balance” you must hear it too? I even say it myself but what actually is balanced? what is a balance when you are a mother? How do we get the correct balance? How do we do that when you are a single parent? Is it possible? […]


Be part of a positive community.

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Today is day 1 of the 30 Day Fat Blaster and I have to say I am super proud of all the ladies and gentleman who have started their journey with me, For putting their trust and faith in me. I have a vision and I’ve had this vision for some time now and that […]


Loving yourself

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Learning to love yourself is one of the most difficult challenges we come up against at some stage in our lives. I certainly know and understand the difficulty of hating yourself at times, then having that chat with myself about loving me and being comfortable in my own skin and my own body. For me growing up […]


My promise to you.

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To my beautiful babies, my life, my world, my happiness. Words cannot describe how much I actually adore you guys, I love you with every fibre of my body. Its not easy at times raising you guys alone, its challenging, and sometimes lonely, sometimes I question myself, I ask if I’m good enough for you? […]