
Always respect the woman who is raising your children!

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Disrespect – it comes in many forms!!!!!! And it’s something I cannot stand, something that drives me insane, makes me angry and deep down upsets me. Disrespecting the mother of your children is THE lowest of the low! A Mother, someone who gave life to your child? someone who carried life inside them for 9 […]


Loving yourself

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Learning to love yourself is one of the most difficult challenges we come up against at some stage in our lives. I certainly know and understand the difficulty of hating yourself at times, then having that chat with myself about loving me and being comfortable in my own skin and my own body. For me growing up […]


My Invisalign Journey with

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As most of you are aware, I recently started my clearbraces treatment. Getting braces is something iv wanted to do for a long time, growing up I had 2 teeth that I was very conscious about and when I would smile in pics I could see it very noticeably which bothered me a lot. As […]


My promise to you.

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To my beautiful babies, my life, my world, my happiness. Words cannot describe how much I actually adore you guys, I love you with every fibre of my body. Its not easy at times raising you guys alone, its challenging, and sometimes lonely, sometimes I question myself, I ask if I’m good enough for you? […]


Hearing your baby’s heartbeat is magical

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`I remember when I was pregnant I was constantly searching the internet for updates on the size of my baby, how fast it was growing, when I could hear the heartbeat etc, I signed up for all the newsletters. The excitement was just too much I wanted to know absolutely everything about this beautiful baby, […]